Monday, December 24, 2007


Click on each of the images below to view additional photographs of Tarahumara men, women, and children from the Copper Canyons of Mexico.
(NOTE: When the photo album opens, click on Slide Show for best viewing)




Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Road to Guadalupe

Our primary destination for the journey into the Tarahumara country was the small village of Guadalupe Coronado. Guadalupe Coronado is situated in the valley of the Urique River at the base of the deepest portion of the Copper Canyons. It is among the most remote and isolated villages in the canyon complex.

Our van dropped us off in the small town of Urique, located about 3 hours by foot from Guadalupe. We made arrangements for a local resident to transport the majority of our gear to Guadalupe in the back of his pickup truck and eagerly struck out for Guadalupe on foot.

We had marveled at the beauty of the canyons during our slow descent the previous day in a van as we drove from the rim of the canyon down steep and winding dirt roads; but nothing can compare to seeing the canyons by foot as we hiked along the Urique River.

Filled with adrenaline, our hearts were pumping briskly before we even embarked on The Road to Guadalupe.


The images below depict the natural beauty and immenseness of the mountains before us as we made our way to Guadalupe Coronado. Along the cactus-lined jeep trail we encountered the clear cool waters of the Urique River; the towering mountains and cliffs rising to the north and south of our trail; only a couple of small isolated adobe homes; wisened Tarahumara grandfathers passing us with grandchildren on their way walking to Urique; wild burros, oxen, and cattle wandering aimless along the trail;.......
After climbing one final hill the trail made a sharp hairpin curve to the right and the mission church of Guadalupe came into distant view.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Guadalupe Coronado....From Above

Tucked beneath the towering cliffs lies the village of Guadalupe Coronado, our primary destination for the next 5 days. Stretching the length of about 2 football fields (approx. 600 yards), Guadalupe is inhabited by Tarahumara families who've made their homes here for generations. There are only 10 to 12 houses in the central village, but any number of houses scattered among the cliffs whose families claim Guadalupe as their place of residence. In addition to the small adobe homes, the village has a couple of sparsely stocked "stores", a medical center, several non-descript buildings of inderterminate purpose, a school, and at the center of the village - the old mission church.

The view from above demonstrates the isolation of the village and the physical beauty of the surrounding canyons and cliffs which enshrouded the village.